
Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday, August 16th

Wow. So much to report!

Sunday, Jameson took several steps on his own. He got out of bed and was able to walk from one side, around to the other side, while holding onto the bed.

The doctors reviews a recent MRI and found what appear to be two lesions - one on his brain and one on his spine, between his shoulder blades. They're small enough that the doctors hesitated to even refer to them as "lesions". Because Jameson is making such progress, they truly feel they are nothing of any concern, but to be certain, he will have to have another MRI in three months. If the lesions increase in size or spread, it could be an indication of Multiple Sclerosis. It's a common occurence for TM to become MS later in life. I'm trying very hard not to let this worry me, but as anyone with children can tell you, this is easier said than done.

Today I signed consent forms for Jameson to take part in a research study. Luckily, this didn't involve much participation on his part. I just gave them consent to review his records and compare them to those of other TM patients. During my visit with him today, he got out of bed and walked across the room to hug me! He can walk forwards and backwards, but loses his balance when trying to walk on his heels or his tip-toes, as the doctor had him attempt.

Also today, the doctors consulted with one another to determine the best course of action concerning Jameson being released from the hospital. We all assumed it would be late this week. Instead, they determined he could go home.... TODAY!  Jameson is HOME now, after a celebration dinner at Applebee's. He's resting on the couch, doing his word puzzles. We have all the meds we need to give him. He'll go to physical therapy three times a week and will start seeing a homebound tutor next week.

We're all amazed at the miraculous progress Jameson has made in such a short time. We still have a long road ahead of us, but his prognosis is good and his attitude and determination is admirable.

We're so proud of you, Jameson!